Know the Whole U

Love the Whole U

Be the Whole U

Beauty. Purpose. Joy

You Are Not Alone.

Resources for Spiritual Seekers ; 1-1 Trauma-Aware Support

Beyond Reiki Master Certification Hybrid Course Registration Closes Sept. 15th

In this hybrid course:

  • Enjoy the convenience of the online, recorded class information that can be reviewed as often as you’d like

  • The support of live Q&A sessions

  • The ceremony of in-person attunements and the immersion of hands-on experience in 3 - 8 hour in-person training days (dates in details below)

Registration Closes: Sept. 15th

Class Starts: September 21st

Early Bird Registration: Register by August 31st and Save $200

Break Free of the Matrix… One Episode at a Time.

Have you had:

An extraterrestrial visitation, An out of the body experience, a dream that gave you a glimpse into the future, or any other out of the ordinary experience?

OR Do you have a perspective on one of the topics we have covered on this channel?

You are not alone. Your story matters.

Your perspective is unique, and I want to hear it.

Leave me a voice message that is 90 seconds or less and I will include it in one of the episodes as part of a new segment called “Through the Looking Glass.”

Can’t tell your story in 90 seconds, drop Gullveig a message at:

800 hour yoga therapy diploma, 100 hour Sleep-Based Meditation (Yoga Nidra) by Kamini Desai, Reiki Master Teacher, Polarity energy healing training, Sound Healing, Chakra Balancing, Restorative Yoga, Metaphysics, 5 Element Essential Oil Therapy, Tarot Reader and Rune Reading for Spiritual Coaching and Intuitive Guidance, Parts Integration, Inner Child Healing, Sacred Ceremony for personal transformation.

Teaching Experience: 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training, Trauma-Informed Energetic Anatomy , Energetic Anatomy for Advanced Yoga Teachers, Tarot and Intuitive Guidance for Spiritual Coaching, Intro to Chakras, Mudras and Sacred Symbols, Metaphysics, Sleep-Based Meditation, Sound Healing, Restorative Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Sleep-Based Meditation (Yoga Nidra).


Hello, my name is Gullveig

Gullveig has practiced Holistic Healing Arts for the past 20 years and has been a teacher for 11 years. Her specialties include assisting clients with anxiety, depression, inner child healing, and parts integration to mitigate unhelpful life patterns. She has coached hundreds of individuals to live in alignment with their purpose and truth. She often combines trauma-aware energy healing and coaching to meet the needs of mind, body, and spirit.

Gullveig considers herself a wounded healer, meaning that she has refined her skills through first healing herself and using her tools to continue her personal growth.

Gullveig believes that each individual is already whole, and it is the circumstances of life that often separates us from our innate wholeness. Toxic reoccurring patterns and symptoms of chronic depression and anxiety are ways that our intelligent system is communicating a need to be reconnected to this truth.

In addition to her 1-1 healing sessions, Gullveig also enjoys creating consciousness-expanding content. Her podcast: Be The Whole U assists her listeners in Finding The Magic in The Mundane.

Not sure what exactly you are looking for? Synchronicity may have led you to this site… And I’m glad that you are here.


You Are In The Right Place If:

The Whole U was created to support spiritual seekers & the highly sensitive to Find the Magic in the Mundane. If you are still wondering if you are in the right place, do any of these statements resonate with you?

  • You know there is “more” to life and are curious enough to search.

  • Despite your best efforts, there are still unhelpful patterns in your life that exists, and you are seeking assistance in creating new and more helpful life patterns.

  • You know that the popular narrative on human origin, health, history, and the nature of reality isn’t accurate or the truth.

  • You are “different”/ a magical creature who often feels or has a history of feeling misunderstood or alienated.

  • You identify as a truth seeker.

  • You know that everything is energy and vibration and would like to know more about how to direct and harness it in a beneficial way.

  • At times, you feel deep disappointment in the human race and could use a pick me up once in a while and a reminder that we can do better.

  • At times you may feel like you “care too much,” and your sensitivity may cause unique challenges.

  • You are interested in the nature of the cosmos as well as your own self-exploration and healing.

Right now, there is an epidemic of unintegrated and fractured psyche and soul of people everywhere. This is felt deeply by seekers and those who are highly sensitive. Because of our sensitivity, we often have unique challenges and needs in how we heal.

Over the past 20 years, I have guided hundreds of spiritual seekers to lead inspired lives with more joy, connection, and self-love.

What you will find here:

Beauty: Art and Sacred Items that raise consciousness and the spirit

Metaphysics: A blog and podcast To help us remember and understand our divinity

1-1 Support: 1-1 sessions to embody wholeness and let go of stories that keep us feeling wounded, fractured, and separated.

Not sure if you are a starseed or spiritual seeker? Find Out Here.