You’re Not Alone

1-1 Customized Sessions Available

Book an Individual Session

You can’t see the picture if you are in the frame
— Les Brown

We can’t see the whole picture if we are in the frame. Clarity and resolution to unhelpful patterns are often remedied by inner child healing and the healing of wounded parts of ourselves. A trauma-aware approach can often assist in identifying root causes of these patterns as well as their remedy.

Energy Healing and Coaching sessions are customized at the time of the session to meet the unique needs of the client. These sessions may also include guided meditative techniques, body-based techniques and energy healing to assist the whole self (mind, body, spirit) with healing and regulation. Sound healing may also be incorporated to assist in clearing stagnation and helping the nervous system integrate. These sessions are gentle and honor the innate wisdom of each individual’s system.

Intuitive Guidance sessions use intuitive tools such as tarot to guide the best questions that will lead to clarity around a life situation that may feel uncertain or overwhelming. The subconscious mind thinks in terms of symbolism and imagery; intuitive tools have the unique advantage of being able to reflect these natural “blind spots,” to reveal best possibilities and new perspectives. These sessions often reveal energetic patterns that exist that may influence a particular outcome of a decision.

For Virtual Sessions: For your virtual session, please provide yourself with a quiet environment that is free from distraction. The practitioner reserves the right to reschedule at her discretion if the client's environment is too noisy or distracting to hold the session, at full session rate.

Please note that there are no refunds for cancellations that have less then a 24 hour notice.